Friday, July 25, 2008

Another Day, Another Movie

****'Step Brothers' rated R. It's so sad that they made it 'R' because I know a lot of kids who want to see it, mine included. No, mine will not be seeing it. Will Farrell is in usual form, extremely funny and stupid. I'm a big fan, but this was just bad. The language was horrid, the topics were horrible, and it showed Farrells...uh hum... part, not all but OH MY GOSH! I liked the chemistry between Farrell and John C. Riley, and some parts were quite funny, but why do they have to ruin it like that? They so could have made it a great PG-13 and opened it up to a bigger market, but what do I know?! It had a good ending, so I'm giving it 1 big fat cubic zirconium.

****'X Files' rated PG-13. Never was into the tv series so didn't understand the inside jokes. It was ok. An interesting yet bizarre murder mystery. Weird. Jeff and I give it 1 diamond.

****'Space Chimps' rated G. What can I say? It was really cute, funny and clever. The scenes on one of the planets kept reminding me of 'The Teletubbies'...on crack. It made us [Bryce and I] laugh a lot. I think small kids will really enjoy it. Bryce gives it 4 diamonds :) I'm giving it 2 1/2.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Another Day, Another Movie

****'Dark Knight' rated PG-13. Well, it was quite hard for me to see my man Heath Ledger again, and especially in such a dark role. Holy Cow was he AMAZING! If they do a sequel, as Ive heard they might, No one else can play the role of the Joker! Not the way he did. It was crazy how evil he was and yet how funny, and even almost likable. It was dark and violent, but intense and entertaining. I don't think there was one swear word in it, which is more than I can say for 'Hancock', (which I forgot to mention in the review.) I have to say I really liked it, and it made me miss Heath. It's no wonder the role affected him in real life, Wow, I know he will get an Oscar nod for this. The graphics and make-up were amazing. I don't think kids under 13 should see it. Jeff and I both give it 4 diamonds.

****'Mama Mia' rated PG-13. Okay, I loved, Loved LOVED it! Jeff, not so much. I cannot wait to see it again. I thouroghly enjoyed the music and will be buying the soundtrack tomorrow. I thought Meryl Streep was amazing in it, and so was the girl who played her daughter, Amanda Seyfried. Streeps friends were hilarious and really made the movie. Pierce Brosnan can't really sing, but I didn't care, I enjoy looking at him:) . I cried pretty hard at one scene that made me think of my mom and dad, wow, no movie has had that effect on me for a long time. Jeff said he expected more from the choreography, but I just really enjoyed it. Jeff gives it 1 diamond, (b00) and I am giving it 3 1/2, and a big xoxoxo

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Here's to cookies and time spent together

Bryce really misses me when I'm at work and the other night wanted to "make something together out of a cook book." He loves to cook, and aspires to be a fry cook like SpongeBob Squarepants. (I'm so proud) So we spent almost 20 minutes looking through the cook book, trying to decide what to make. We ended up choosing Aunt Carmas Banana Oatmeal Cookies, because we had extremely ripe bananas on the counter. Pearson Family cook book, page 203. We doubled the recipe and used 3 bananas. Bryce wanted to make sure we tell you that we added chocolate chips and that's what made them perfect. Yum-O! It was good for him to see fractions being used in real life, since we doubled the recipe, I made him figure out how much of everything we needed. And, since I have such a boring life, and never have anything interesting to blog about, I decided to document our experience and share it with you:) Lucky's!

Friday, July 11, 2008

American Idol ROCKS!!!

...And I did with them for 3 hours! It was AWESOME!! I bought myself a ticket with my birthday money and met Jeffs sister and neice there. Each one of the ten sang a few songs individually and then of course sang together at the end. The crowd went absolutely INSANE for Archuleta. I mean, crazy insane, it was so loud! He, of course, was so touched, but didn't cry til the end of his last song before Cook came out. I love his voice and the songs he sings. Cook was good too, I must admit. After he [Cook] sang his first song, he said, "yeah I'm a little freaked out to follow the guy that was just out here." One of my favorite moments was after Brooke sang her first song she yelled "Utah!!! ...This is the Place!" We were on the floor, 16th row, right in the middle, which was right next to the 8th row. That didn't really make sense, but basically, it was the 8th row. I could see them SO well! I had a great pic of Michael Johns, and a whole bunch more of Archie, and am so sad that they got deleted, Argh!! Stupid dinosour camera! I didn't comment much about Idol during the season, so now am admitting to you all that one of my very favorites is Carly! I know, weird, but I just love her. Her voice and her personality, big time. There, I said it.

Another Day, Another Movie

****'Journey to the Center of the Earth 3-D. ' rated PG. If you can get past the fact that it's extremely far-fetched and just enjoy it, it's quite fun! I liked Brendan Fraser more than I usually do, I thought he was cute. It was really well done and the graphics were awesome. I was truly surprised at how much I liked it. Jeff did too and gives it 2 1/2 to 3 diamonds, I give it 3 and a surprised face!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Another Day, Another Movie

****'Hancock' rated PG-13. Will Smith plays an alcoholic super hero. It was fun and entertaining. It was a little different than what I was expecting, but I liked it. I thought Charlize Theron looked especially beautiful. It's kind of weird in a way--- but it is funny. I guess it's the number one movie right now, biggest opening numbers of the summer. Will Smiths 8th number one movie, wow. Jeff and I both give it 3 diamonds.

About Me

Bluffdale, UT, United States
I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I've been married to Jeff - the love of my life, for almost 21 years. I'm the mother of four beautiful and amazing kids. Brandon is 19, Elise is 17, Erika is 14 and Bryce is 11. I love to spend time with my family, go to movies, play games, go to movies, go out to eat and go to movies. I love diet cherry coke, music, especially soft rock and religious music. I hate grumpy people, bad service and other people's hands in bags of potato chips. I love to go on Cruises...Oh, and I really love to go to movies!

My cute hubby!





Just a typical night out on the town