Thursday, December 18, 2008

Another Day, Another Movie

****The Day The Earth Stood Still rated PG-13. I've never really been a Keanu Reeves fan and he didn't do much to change my mind in this one. It was kinda weird. Jennifer Connelly was quite good and so was Will Smith's son, but it was too Sci-fi for me and just, weird. Good graphics, so it gets 2 diaminds.

****Four Christmases rated PG-13. It's no secret that I'm a huge Vince Vaughn fan. What can I say, I like big brawny men. :) I liked this one. I'ts funny and fun and crazy. Don't take any kids to it that still believe in Santa. Luckily Bryce had found out about a week before this movie. It's fun to see Tim McGraw play in this kind of role. Fun Fun. 3 1/2 diamonds.

****Transporter 3 rated PG-13. How many times can they make the same movie with different girls being transported? Same everything it seems. The only good thing about it is Jason Stathams body which almost makes it worth it, almost. 1 diamond.

****Australia rated PG-13. Oh my gosh I LOVED this movie!!!! The little boy in it is so cute and Nocole Kidman was great, but can I just say, I have one word for Hugh Jackman, and it's the only word that fits; DAYAM!!! Holy cow, yeah, let's just say that the people who chose him as the sexiest man of the year were right on. It is 3 hours but to me it didn't seem long. It has romance, adventure, a villian, and BEAUTIFUL scenery. You will laugh and cry, you know I don't like sad, and there is sad, but oh it's good. I'm trying to remember if I have given any movie five diamonds yet? I think just a couple. Well guess what..

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About Me

Bluffdale, UT, United States
I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I've been married to Jeff - the love of my life, for almost 21 years. I'm the mother of four beautiful and amazing kids. Brandon is 19, Elise is 17, Erika is 14 and Bryce is 11. I love to spend time with my family, go to movies, play games, go to movies, go out to eat and go to movies. I love diet cherry coke, music, especially soft rock and religious music. I hate grumpy people, bad service and other people's hands in bags of potato chips. I love to go on Cruises...Oh, and I really love to go to movies!

My cute hubby!





Just a typical night out on the town