Monday, October 27, 2008

MIS-SION-ARY; (noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Thank you to my dear friend Lisa, who bought me a plaque with these words. It has helped me a ton!
Well, he's been gone for 6 days and I'm still alive, breathing, and even smiling on occasion. Wow. The MTC experience was amazing. It was very peaceful and comforting. We all cried, but he was so excited that it made it easier. I think that the days leading up to it were harder. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel or react, so I'm so happy that I feel this good and have been fully functional, which I seriously questioned before he left. I just didn't know what to expect. I don't worry about him anymore, not like I did before. We find comfort in writing him letters and singing 'Called to Serve' and 'God be with you til we meet again' around the piano. In the six days we have sent 2 packages and about 10 letters. Too much? Oh well. We got a letter from him a couple days ago. There are 4 missionaries in his room, including himself. 3 out of the 4 are going to the Birmingham mission, the other one is off to Nebraska. They are; His companion; Elder Hauck from St. Geroge, Elder Kendall, from Nephi, and Elder Whatcott from Pleasant Grove. 3 out of the 4 left girls behind. He said his companion is cool. And I quote; "I can only write once a week but you guys can write me whenever you want and you can send packages (which are really popular to get or exciting I mean) well anyway they are exciting to get and I can get them anytime out of the week so send whenever you want." He sounds great and I feel such a sense of peace that I just can't describe. Thank you everyone for all of your support. I got some great pics of Jeff's family, his sisters two boys who have both returned from missions, one in Denmark and the other in Brazil, with Brandon, doing a . . .cheer? My dad and his wife Julie, Mike with his daughter Courtney, her husband Chandler, and their kids Talon and Kylee. Mikes daughter Danielle. Melanies family, and can you believe, one with my mom AND dad, and all four of us kids, in the same picture! WOW. It was so surreal to see my parents talking to each other and my dad even put his arm around my mom! WOW. Oh, did I already say that? :) And at the end we all crashed, we were SO beat! But I feel so bad that I didn't start taking pictures until after some people had left, so sorry Aunt Ellen and Uncle Ken, Cade and family, Mark and Darcy, Aunt Kathryn and Katee, and our dear friends, Joel and Lisa, Todd and Julie, and Pam and family. Thank you so much for coming! Here is his address if anyone wants to drop him a line, he would LOVE it!!

MTC Mailbox #272
AL-BIRM 1112
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, UT 84604-1793


Anaise said...

I think it is all wonderful, Sharla! How exciting to have raised such a wonderful young man! As a mother of many girls, I'm always watching the boys I know, hoping their mothers teach them what's right--wondering which boys my daughters will eventually choose to spend time with.

Brandon is handsome and obviously dedicated. How proud you must be!

AD said...

Thank you for sharing this with all of us! I loved all of the photos. It looks like it was a marvelous celebration! Elder B looks really ready to go. What a happy moment for all of you.

Someone was missing in the darling photo of you and Jen. Boo hoo.

gardnerfam said...

How fun,
He looks ready to get out there and get his work done. He will be a great missionary. I wish I could have been there it looks like a wonderful time. I miss you guys.
Love ya

. said...

How fun to see all those pictures of the family! Is that Uncle Vern? Wow! It's got to be 20 years since I last saw him. How fun that you all got to be together to say farewell to your cute boy. I'm so happy for you, Shar! What a wonderful blessing for your family. I hope he has a fantastic experience!

Cade said...

Great food. I think you should host Sunday dinner every week. Should I plan on around 4:30 p.m.?

Diane said...

I'm so glad Brandon is doing so well. What a blessing a missionary is. It was such a great meeting and so great to get together as a family.

Lisa said...

I love that kid so much you would think he is mine! What a fantastic young man you two have raised. We are so, SO proud of him. He has always set such a great example to my boys and loved them like little brothers. I know he is missed around there, but take it from me, someone in Alabama needs him right now more than you guys do! Can't wait to hear his stories! Hang in there Shar, you are well loved by many (including us!) and you will be blessed beyond measure for letting your Heavenly Father borrow Brandon for 24 months!

Good Carma said...

how I wish I could have been there, I miss family so much and get so jealous when I see things like this that I missed. He is so adorable, isn't it a mixed blessing to see these little babies we welcomed into our arms and held on to so tight, go off in to world and forge a place for themself?

Brian, Shanel, Taylor + Hudson said...

WOW, I can't believe that Brandon is on a mission. Way to go! I will be looking forward to reading about him in the blog. Your family has become so grown up. It was always hard when my brothers left on missions, but I did get a bigger room so that did help with the sadness

Our Family said...

Everytime I saw him in the last week before he left he seemed to glow brighter and brighter. I love that Missionary quote too, it really puts things in perspective doesn't it?
I'm so glad he's doing SO WELL!!

About Me

Bluffdale, UT, United States
I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I've been married to Jeff - the love of my life, for almost 21 years. I'm the mother of four beautiful and amazing kids. Brandon is 19, Elise is 17, Erika is 14 and Bryce is 11. I love to spend time with my family, go to movies, play games, go to movies, go out to eat and go to movies. I love diet cherry coke, music, especially soft rock and religious music. I hate grumpy people, bad service and other people's hands in bags of potato chips. I love to go on Cruises...Oh, and I really love to go to movies!

My cute hubby!





Just a typical night out on the town