****'Step Brothers' rated R. It's so sad that they made it 'R' because I know a lot of kids who want to see it, mine included. No, mine will not be seeing it. Will Farrell is in usual form, extremely funny and stupid. I'm a big fan, but this was just bad. The language was horrid, the topics were horrible, and it showed Farrells...uh hum... part, not all but OH MY GOSH! I liked the chemistry between Farrell and John C. Riley, and some parts were quite funny, but why do they have to ruin it like that? They so could have made it a great PG-13 and opened it up to a bigger market, but what do I know?! It had a good ending, so I'm giving it 1 big fat cubic zirconium.

****'X Files' rated PG-13. Never was into the tv series so didn't understand the inside jokes. It was ok. An interesting yet bizarre murder mystery. Weird. Jeff and I give it 1 diamond.