Sunday, November 11, 2007

Another day, Another movie

****Heres a critique for ya. "The Comebacks" Oh my gosh, an hour and twenty-four minutes of pure torchure! Rated PG-13 for stupid. Bryce was off-track and wanted to go to a movie. We set off to see "Ghostly Guardians" which is about ghost sitings at Fort Douglas at the University of Utah. We lasted about twenty minutes and walked out. It was beyond stupid. Got our money back and Bryce begged to go to Comebacks. It's a "comedy" (used lightly) that plays on all other sports movies ever made. It's the kind of humor that does'nt make sense, kinda like cartoons..? for example; one of the players gets shot and then in the next scene is playing again. I mean seriously. I had to cover Bryces eyes a couple times but he was laughing through most of it. I guess 10 year olds like this kind of stupidity. I'm giving it one big fat lump of coal!!


Lisa said...

Bahahaha! "Rated pg-13 for "stupid!" I'm STILL literally laughing out loud at that! I also found your "lump of coal" quite witty! Well, since we all know I go to SOOO many movies, I may have to trim my movie list of this one. Too bad. Thanks for the warning!

Lisa said...

Shar, I keep reading this post because it makes me laugh every time! Just thought I'd let ya know!

About Me

Bluffdale, UT, United States
I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I've been married to Jeff - the love of my life, for almost 21 years. I'm the mother of four beautiful and amazing kids. Brandon is 19, Elise is 17, Erika is 14 and Bryce is 11. I love to spend time with my family, go to movies, play games, go to movies, go out to eat and go to movies. I love diet cherry coke, music, especially soft rock and religious music. I hate grumpy people, bad service and other people's hands in bags of potato chips. I love to go on Cruises...Oh, and I really love to go to movies!

My cute hubby!





Just a typical night out on the town