Sunday, December 16, 2007

Another Day, Another Movie

****"I Am Legend" rated PG 13. I was so excited to see it. I was thinking it was going to be really scary and suspenseful. It was a little scary, but not as bad as I thought it would be. To me it was really sad, I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. It was an interesting concept, and Will Smith was really good. The "villains" had the same characteristics as vampires. It was well done. Jeff gives it a solid 4 diamonds. If I base it on how much I enjoyed it, (which is usually how I judge) I'm giving it 3.


Camille said...
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Kandis said...

Well, I guess I won't go and see it now that I know the ending.....thanks Camille! Just kidding, I probably would have waited for it to come out on video anyway. Thanks for the review on This Christmas, I've been wanting to see it! It was cool to see the pics of Dave. I love keeping up with the fam this way!

Anonymous said...

Okay...what's up with giving away the ending? Not cool. My husband saw it and he was disappointed it didn't follow the book...

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOOOO! No more spoiling endings! Although I will still go see it. I do find it interesting that Jeff rated it higher than you did, Shar. That doesn't happen very often. It was the shirtless scene wasn't it......Jeff like it, huh? hehe :)

Camille said...

UHM I totally didn't reveal the ending, hellooooooooo!! You need to go see it and then you'll know!! come on peeps, like i would do that! I actually made sure that I didn't reveal it. or did I and I'm thinking of another post I wrote somewhere else?

About Me

Bluffdale, UT, United States
I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I've been married to Jeff - the love of my life, for almost 21 years. I'm the mother of four beautiful and amazing kids. Brandon is 19, Elise is 17, Erika is 14 and Bryce is 11. I love to spend time with my family, go to movies, play games, go to movies, go out to eat and go to movies. I love diet cherry coke, music, especially soft rock and religious music. I hate grumpy people, bad service and other people's hands in bags of potato chips. I love to go on Cruises...Oh, and I really love to go to movies!

My cute hubby!





Just a typical night out on the town